Healthy Food For Kids

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Healthy Food For Kids

Healthy Food For Kids
Healthy Food For Kids

Kids are known to be pi

Kids are known to be picky eaters, making kids eat what is healthy and 

help them stay active is a difficult task altogether. kids often develop a

 natural preference for food they enjoy eating the most. So, the challenge is 

to make healthy choices appealing. No matter how good your intentions are

 it is always going to be difficult for you to convince your kid that  fruits 

are as sweet as blueberry cheesecake.

Healthy Food For Kids

Tips on what to feed kids:

Check out these ideas on how to encourage kids to eat healthy foods.

⏩Offer whole fruit and vegetables more often than juice. They have more fibre.

⏩Offer 500 mL (2 cups) of milk (skim, 1% or 2%) or fortified soy beverage every day, 

both unsweetened. This will help kids meet their calcium and vitamin D needs to 

build strong bones.

⏩Limit foods and drinks high in calories, fat, sugar or salt, like:



soft drinks

⏩Drink water regularly. Encourage your kids to drink water when they are thirsty to get 

enough fluids throughout the day.

⏩Get creative in the kitchen by adding vegetables to your kids' favourite meals, such as:

spinach in spaghetti sauce

cauliflower in mashed potatoes

zucchini or carrot in lower fat muffins

yellow squash in macaroni and cheese

⏩Offer small amounts of food throughout the day by dividing Food Guide 

servings into kid-friendly portions. This is because young children have small 

stomachs that get full quickly.

➤For example, serve 1 Food Guide serving of meat and alternatives at 2 different meals, like:

        an egg at lunch

       about 35 g of chicken for dinnr

Healthy Food For Kids

Healthy Food For Kids

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